There are no plans to launch Redmi cars. At present, we are still focusing on completing the entire production and sales chain of Xiaomi Motors
Xiaomi Auto's official Weibo posted an article "Xiaomi Auto Answers 100 Questions from Netizens (Part 1)". One of the questions was - will Xiaomi lower the starting price? Price, come up with a "beggar among beggars" version? The official answer stated that Xiaomi Auto has fully consistent product project approval guidelines, and "experience first" is always the first priority. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version.

Xiaomi Motors also said: "There are no plans to launch Redmi cars. At present, we are still focusing on completing the entire production and sales chain of Xiaomi Motors, or even more specifically, our first car, Xiaomi SU7."

However, the official answer was "Xiaomi Motors has no rival within 500,000 yuan". This was what Mr. Lei replied to netizens in the comment area at that time. Although it was a joke, it was also serious.

Xiaomi Motors said: At the press conference, we used the Porsche Taycan Turbo/Tesla Model S to compare design, performance, battery life, vehicle safety, etc. The actual comparison results are clear to everyone.

Everyone is also very clear about the pricing. We are more pragmatic and will not set up those outrageous flags, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 currently has no rivals within the price of 500,000.

Regarding the price of Xiaomi cars, the official once again refuted the rumors, saying that "the price reports of Xiaomi cars on the Internet are all false news, and we have not yet determined the final price.

The final price will be announced when Xiaomi cars are officially released." Mr. Lei also introduced at the Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference that it is indeed a bit expensive, but it will be "reasonably expensive." It won’t be 99,000, it won’t be 149,000, it won’t be 199,000.

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